Free download Rapid PHP Editor 2011

Rapid PHP Editor 2011

Powerful, quick and sophisticated PHP editor with debugger and utf-8 support
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File size
119 MB
Release date
26 September 2011

Editor's review

Programming languages like PHP, HTML, CSS etc. are extensively used for web designing and coding of web pages in a website. These languages are used by web developers or enthusiasts for creating and defining the role of various items on a web page. Many a times, to make certain changes in the webpage or to modify certain items, you may require to edit these codes in order to get the required results. You may be an expert in such type of coding but under conventional means, this procedure may not be so simple and may become an unmanageable thing, especially if you lack time. Thus, whatever be the level of your expertise in coding, you would certainly find Rapid PHP Editor 2011 v.11.0, a useful tool at such tasks.

Rapid PHP Editor 2011 is a shareware program by Bluementals Software for easy editing of codes in different web programming languages. It supports various types of languages like PHP, XHTML, HTML, CSS, Javascript code among others, and the program comes with a debugger and seamless support for UTF-8 and UTF 16. You can even create the codes, edit them and testy them real time to find out any errors. The program has a nice and interactive GUI interface with a code explorer on the left hand side window pane and the big display of whole code in a big display box in the center. On the upper toolbar, you will find a number of buttons and menus for easy access to various functionalities of the program. For the common code syntax, it includes an intelligent auto complete feature where it automatically displays suggestion as you type.

To conclude with, Rapid PHP Editor 2011 v.11.0 is a comprehensive application for creating and editing the web programming codes. Hence, it deserves a decent score of four rating points on the scale of five.

Publisher's description

Rapid PHP editor is full-featured, very quick and sophisticated PHP editor with a debugger and utf-8 support. Convenient features enable you to instantly create, edit and test not only PHP, but also HTML, XHTML, CSS and JavaScript code, while integrated tools allow you to easily validate, reuse, navigate and format your code. Whether you are a professional developer or pure enthusiast, with Rapid PHP editor you can get your job done faster, save your time and increase productivity.
Features include syntax highlighting for PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, WML and XML, PHP debugger, PHP function hints, PHP auto complete, bracket highlighting, code collapse, built-in File and FTP Explorer, project management, built-in Web browser, integration with Web server, code explorer, SQL explorer, find and replace in files, multi-item clipboard, UTF-8 Unicode support.
Rapid PHP editor is the only PHP editor that also includes features of a full-scale HTML, CSS and JavaScript editors - auto complete, property inspector, preview, code insertion and much more.
Rapid PHP Editor 2011
Rapid PHP Editor 2011
Version 11.1
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